
Reimaging the Future

It is hard to imagine what the future will be like with so much change around us on a daily basis.   It is really human be afraid, to be fearful of the unknown and even more difficult to admit to not knowing.  As leaders people come to us for answers and look to us for […]

Refresh of the Charity Governance Code

Consultation of the Charity Governance Code The Charity Governance Code Consultation commenced in November 2019.  The window for submitting views is open till February 2020.   Please get your thoughts into the light refresh of the Code. Help us improve the Code

Excluded and Leadership

When I got a ticket to see ” Excluded ” put together by Intermission Youth Theatre I was not prepared for the impact it would have on me. The actors brought the words of Shakespeare to life. They love Shakespeare and so do I. Excluded is a mash up of different Shakespeare characters in a […]

More Lights More Action

Leadership Lessons from Fame I have just been to see the stage show “Fame” celebrating Fame 1988. A pop culture phenomenon, Fame means just as much today as it did back in the 80’s. It presents the perfect platform to deliver a story to a diverse audience. In the face of trials, tribulations and self-discovery, […]

Lights, Camera, Action

I have just been to see the stage show “Fame” celebrating Fame 1988. A pop culture phenomenon, Fame means so much today as it did back in the 80’s It presents the perfect platform to deliver a story to a diverse audience. This is particularly challenging in the face of trials, tribulations and self-discovery. Fame […]

Bond Diversity Award

Tesse feels privileged to have Chaired the BOND diversity award. “Diversity embraces us all. Tapping into the rich tapestry of talent encourages inclusion, engagement, confidence, connection and excellence” says Tesse.

Diverse Voices – Essential Elements For Governing With Impact

The Charity Governance Code introduced a brand new principle. Principle 6 of the Code states “ The board’s approach to diversity supports its effectiveness, leadership and decision making”. It goes on to say that boards whose trustees have different backgrounds and experiences are more likely to engage in debate and to make better decisions. Diverse […]

Creating Clarity – Being Meaningful and Purposeful

When have you felt that you have made a significant contribution? When have you felt highly engaged? When have you felt that you need to be in control? What happens if you feel you are dealing with a variety of unknowns? Reflecting on answers to these questions would steer you towards when and how you […]

Conflict Can be Harnessed

Conflict  should not be denied. Denying conflict does more harm than good. According to Tesse conflict can have positive effects on boards.  By acknowledging  tensions & working out what needs to be done to resolve these challenges boards can grow. She talks about developing  concrete steps  in this video and smoothing out disruptive wrinkles that tend to […]