The Barber Shop Chronicles offers a model for talking, sharing, caring, communicating and celebrating. It really is good to talk!
Tesse feels privileged to have Chaired the BOND diversity award. “Diversity embraces us all. Tapping into the rich tapestry of talent encourages inclusion, engagement, confidence, connection and excellence” says Tesse.
The Charity Governance Code introduced a brand new principle. Principle 6 of the Code states “ The board’s approach to diversity supports its effectiveness, leadership and decision making”. It goes on to say that boards whose trustees have different backgrounds and experiences are more likely to engage in debate and to make better decisions. Diverse […]
When have you felt that you have made a significant contribution? When have you felt highly engaged? When have you felt that you need to be in control? What happens if you feel you are dealing with a variety of unknowns? Reflecting on answers to these questions would steer you towards when and how you […]
Conflict should not be denied. Denying conflict does more harm than good. According to Tesse conflict can have positive effects on boards. By acknowledging tensions & working out what needs to be done to resolve these challenges boards can grow. She talks about developing concrete steps in this video and smoothing out disruptive wrinkles that tend to […]
“There is so much uncertainty in today’s world. The acronym VUCA comes to mind. VUCA is short for volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. One size does not fit all. As I launch the new leadership series, Phenomenal You – I am conscious that we all bring something unique to our organisations and to others. Phenomenal You embraces […]
Is the watchword for Effective Governance Openness and Accountability? Realistically this boils down to engagement – two way communication that celebrates successes and demonstrates willingness to learn from mistakes. The foundation to this vibrant interaction is trust. This creates Effective Governance. This also helps with Openness and Accountability. Principle 7 of the Charity Governance Code is so relevant. […]
“ The board’s approach to diversity supports its effectiveness, leadership and decision making” – Principle 6 of the Charity Governance Code . This brand new principle was recently published. It goes on to say that boards whose trustees have different backgrounds and experiences are more likely to engage in debate and to make better decisions. Diverse boards […]
According to recent guidance produced by the Association of Chairs, chairs play a critical role in setting the tone and leading by example. As dynamics is about people, the effective chair draws on high levels of emotional intelligence in dealing with varying motivations and disparate characters on the board. Such a chair manages the board […]
I caught the train to Birmingham New Street with only minutes to spare. Out of breath I looked down to see a woman smiling up at me. Smiling back I asked her where she was coming from. She told me that she had just given a TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) talk in London. This grabbed […]