Author: Tesse
Lead with two rules philosophy serves as a foundation for building wide support for the social, emotional, learning, and mental health needs of students. Through the years, Brenda Yoho has seen this and has witnessed the transformative impact, prioritising these essential aspects of education while contributing to a positive and nurturing school environment. What […]
Celebrating my brother, a sister’s tribute is a special place. Lucy Harrison gives so much of herself to other people. When TesseTalks sat with Lucy as she paid a tribute to her brother Peter, we knew we were listening to something really special. Lucy is passionate about bringing awareness to the sibling bond. Understanding how […]
Wild waters are always going to be there. They may not be raging at this precise moment, but the potential for that disturbance and that turbulence is always there. Good Leaders Turbulent Times And How To Navigate Wild Waters At Work, Martin Farrell’s book is an enriching and purposeful read, full of good, uplifting stuff, […]
Help can be very humbling. It is hard to admit I need help right here. When I see someone or something that needs help, my first response is to go help. But is that the best thing in the moment, “What kind of help is needed here”? asks Erin Randall as she notes the seismic […]
The Super-Helper Syndrome: A survival guide for compassionate people, authored by Jess Baker and Rod Vincent, serves up a rich meal to underpin what healthy helping looks like. “Do all things with great love. Avoid helping as a form of rescue, there needs to be reciprocity in helping. People who are helped need to have opportunities where they feel […]
Fran Borg-Wheeler describes Heart Centred Leadership as being about connection, compassion, care and harnessing the power of kindness in leadership. “My vision was for young people to be able to have safe place to live and for them to get the support to be able to flourish in life and create better futures. I was […]
Excavating Memory, Archaeology and Hope is an invitation by Elizabeth Mosier to listen to the objects speak. The true treasure is not the object at all. Instead, it is the stories the object tells about the people who owned or used it, what the thing tells you about the person and what is of importance […]
Mountains and valleys, ordinary to extraordinary is a theme that thrills anthropologist Erik Seversen. Erik spotlights the essence of feeling fulfilled and purposeful. Describing himself as ordinary he admits doing extraordinary things, especially after being told he would not be able to do something. He learned to confront his fears and embrace the possibilities and […]
Says David Taylor-Klaus , “Vulnerability is a human gem. It’s a core part of who we are and it doesn’t have to be hard. It just has to be conscious. And when you bring it up to conscious awareness, when you invite it, when you lean into it, it’s not hard, it’s a practice. Being […]
People are less familiar with feedforward which inspires quality performance. That’s because there really isn’t any point pointing out to people what they’re really bad at, because they probably already know. The brilliant thing about feedforward is that people at the receiving end of feedforward see aspects of their performance that they are less good […]