Consultation of the Charity Governance Code The Charity Governance Code Consultation commenced in November 2019. The window for submitting views is open till February 2020. Please get your thoughts into the light refresh of the Code. Help us improve the Code
When I got a ticket to see ” Excluded ” put together by Intermission Youth Theatre I was not prepared for the impact it would have on me. The actors brought the words of Shakespeare to life. They love Shakespeare and so do I. Excluded is a mash up of different Shakespeare characters in a […]
I have just been to see the stage show “Fame” celebrating Fame 1988. A pop culture phenomenon, Fame means so much today as it did back in the 80’s It presents the perfect platform to deliver a story to a diverse audience. This is particularly challenging in the face of trials, tribulations and self-discovery. Fame […]
The Barber Shop Chronicles offers a model for talking, sharing, caring, communicating and celebrating. It really is good to talk!
Tesse feels privileged to have Chaired the BOND diversity award. “Diversity embraces us all. Tapping into the rich tapestry of talent encourages inclusion, engagement, confidence, connection and excellence” says Tesse.
I caught the train to Birmingham New Street with only minutes to spare. Out of breath I looked down to see a woman smiling up at me. Smiling back I asked her where she was coming from. She told me that she had just given a TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) talk in London. This grabbed […]
Ethics and leadership – what drives behaviour? “Culture exists regardless. If left to its own devices, it shapes itself, with the inherent risk that behaviours will not be those desired. Employees will work out for themselves what is valued by leaders to whom they report” Anthony Saltz (The Salz Review of Barclays Business Practice) The […]
I had the absolute pleasure to meet and work with Jane Slowey. An absolutely amazing woman, she was a great leader. I learnt so much from Jane. She was reliable, intelligent, empathetic, compassionate, knowledgeable and wise. Jane taught me the practicalities of being task focused and people focused. Her style was clear, consistent, coherent and […]
These and other questions were explored by participants at PKF’s #GoodtoGreatGovernance for assessing board effectiveness. The masterclass facilitators were Tesse Akpeki and Ian Mathieson.
I have been reflecting on the awesome work of William Ury, co-author of the classic bestseller on negotiation ‘ Getting to Yes ’ and author of ‘ Getting past No ‘. William notes that the Three “ahas” or discoveries that have been life changing: 1. The power of a guiding question: a guiding question that remains […]