All That Matters

Sade Marriott and Max Ekesi share their views in this recording that shines a light on a post covid world. There has been a raised awareness, especially in the last three years – of the importance of mental health. There is a lot of PTSD. People have gone through one of the most shocking experience […]

Gifted With Grief

“Life cannot exist without death. New life springs up, depending on the time of year. If we all talked about death as much as we talked about birth, the world would be a very different place” says Jane Duncan Rogers, a TEDx speaker , an author and end of life expert. “Life happens and we […]

From Burnout to Best Life

“I was highly paid, but I was miserable and my health was suffering. And as I have gotten older, happiness and health and wellness are so much more important to me. I was just miserable” says Lisa Hammett. “Life had no colour. I like to equate it as being devoid of colour. It’s just gray. […]

Dance of Co-Leadership

Sara Ramsey defines co-leadership as” leaders coming together to make joint decision making and taking shared responsibilities”. Co-leaders may be co-founders, co-CEOs or leaders who jointly support self-managing and self-organizing organizations. “ I get to work with all sorts of inspiring people, you know, wanting to do positive things in the world. They want to […]

Get On The Bull-Unavoidable Failure

Failure’s not just unavoidable, it’s necessary, important and an unavoidable part of life. This is a common theme of the book, “Get On The Bull” – a giant leadership analogy based on bull riders. They fall a lot. They get thrown off bulls in dramatic and painful fashion. When you’re going to do stuff, you’re […]

Forward Facing Podcast Planning Ahead

“We are keeping things real by leaning into the context out guests are operating in. We are curious about their situations while encouraging them to find solutions and approaches tailored to them. We are holding this open safe space for them as a mirror where they are arriving at their own solutions.” “We are going […]

Fresh Solutions New Challenges

Max Ekesi’s favourite phrase is, “I never made the mistake of taking life too seriously”. Max’s diverse multicultural and multiethnic background and experiences are proving to be core assets to his highly adaptable nature. “ I grew up in Nigeria, but my first language was Italian with a Roman accent. My adaptive mindset is my […]

The Lens That Make A Difference

Our guest Mick Rogers a consultant at Client Centred Consulting spoke passionately about the lens that make a difference. As Mick explains, “ Client Centred Consulting leans away from being prescriptive. Instead a Client Centered Consulting approach asks the question, how can we help and be useful when we’re not the expert in the problem […]

A Home Away From Home

A home away from home and the possibilities describes Marta Maretich. Marta was born in Port Harcourt, Nigeria.  “I thought it was the best thing ever. I thought it was the coolest thing ever.” “We had a different background. I always felt different – like we knew about a bigger world.  When you spoke to people in […]

Connecting my Different Worlds

“A Beautiful mind connecting her different worlds “ are some of the words that can be used to describe Marta Maretich. Marta seamlessly combines her creativity with problem- solving. In many ways her approach shapes order out of messiness. She likens this to coding and building websites. “Behind a perfect website, there’s a messy code. […]